This is the famous Darwin orchid, native to the island of Madagascar, with large white flowers with up to 12-inch long spurs (nectary). Darwin predicted the pollinator to be a moth with a 12" proboscis. Years later, it was discovered to be true. The moth, Xanthopan morgani praedicta (named for Darwins prediction of such a moth), was found to be the official pollinator. Very nice plants that are flowering size. Also known as the Star of Bethlehem Orchid or Comet Orchid as it flowers near the end of September or sometimes later in January. Fragrant at night.
Angraecum sequipedale typically flower around the end of December to early January and hence the nickname 'Star of Bethlehem' orchid. Grow in medium to high light and water when the potting mix just dries out. When in spike or flower keep slightly more moist at the roots.